... from pacal import *
Using compiled interpolation routine Compiled sparse grid routine not available
... from pylab import figure, show, zeros, plot, legend, subplot, rc
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from pacal.depvars.models import Model
from pacal.depvars.nddistr import NDProductDistr, Factor1DDistr
from numpy import pi, std, array, concatenate, mean, abs
from numpy.random import seed
rc('axes', labelsize=18)
rc('xtick', labelsize=15.0)
rc('ytick', labelsize=15.0)
rc('legend', fontsize=17.0)
linestyles = ["-", "--", "-.", ":"]
pfargs = {"linewidth":3, "color":"k", "dash_joinstyle":"round"}
params.interpolation_nd.maxq = 2
params.interpolation.maxn = 50
params.interpolation_pole.maxn = 50
params.interpolation_nd.debug_info = False
params.interpolation.debug_info = False
params.models.debug_info = True
Y(i) = K * Y(i-1) + U
O(i) = Y(i) + E(i), i=0,...,n-1
... A = BetaDistr(3, 3, sym="A") # parameter of equation
Y0 = UniformDistr(-0.5, 0.5, sym="Y0") # initial value
n = 3 # number time points
h = 1.0 / n
K = 0.7
Y = [] # list of states
O, E, U = [], [], [] # lists of observations and errors
for i in xrange(n):
U.append(UniformDistr(-0.2, 0.2, sym="U{0}".format(i)))
if i == 0:
Y.append(Y0 * K + U[i])
Y.append(Y[i - 1] * K + U[i])
Y[i].setSym("Y" + str(i + 1))
ei = NormalDistr(0.05, 0.1) | Between(-0.4, 0.4)
O.append(Y[-1] + E[-1])
#print O[-1].range(), O[-1].range_()
M = Model(U + [Y0] + E, Y + O)
print M
Model: free_vars: E0 ~ N(0.05,0.1) | X>-0.4 | X<0.4 E1 ~ N(0.05,0.1) | X>-0.4 | X<0.4 E2 ~ N(0.05,0.1) | X>-0.4 | X<0.4 U0 ~ U(-0.2,0.2) U1 ~ U(-0.2,0.2) U2 ~ U(-0.2,0.2) Y0 ~ U(-0.5,0.5) dep vars: X66421040(1), X66421584(10), X66422032(10), Y1(11), O0(11), Y2(11), O1(11), Y3(11), O2(11) Equations: O1 = E1 + Y2(11) O0 = E0 + Y1(11) O2 = E2 + Y3(11) X66422032 = 0.7*Y2(10) X66421040 = 0.7*Y0(1) X66421584 = 0.7*Y1(10) Y2 = U1 + X66421584(11) Y1 = U0 + X66421040(11) Y3 = U2 + X66422032(11) Factors: F_0 (U0)<class 'pacal.depvars.nddistr.Factor1DDistr'> F_1 (U1)<class 'pacal.depvars.nddistr.Factor1DDistr'> F_2 (U2)<class 'pacal.depvars.nddistr.Factor1DDistr'> F_3 (Y0)<class 'pacal.depvars.nddistr.Factor1DDistr'> F_4 (E0)<class 'pacal.depvars.nddistr.Factor1DDistr'> F_5 (E1)<class 'pacal.depvars.nddistr.Factor1DDistr'> F_6 (E2)<class 'pacal.depvars.nddistr.Factor1DDistr'>
... M.toGraphwiz(f=open('bn.dot', mode="w+"))
... nT = 100
u = zeros(nT)
t = zeros(nT)
Yorg = zeros(nT)
Ynoised = zeros(nT)
Ydenoised = zeros(nT)
Udenoised = zeros(nT)
yi = 0.0
ydenoise = 0.0
ynoise = 0.0
y = 0.0
for i in range(nT):
t[i] = i
# Deterministic simultation
u[i] = 0.1 * sign(sin(4 * pi * i / nT))
y = y * K + u[i]
Yorg[i] = y
Ynoised[i] = y + E[0].rand()
# Inference (Y[i] | O[i-n+1], ..., O[i]
if i > n - 1:
MY = M.inference(wanted_rvs=[Y[-1]], cond_rvs=O + U , cond_X=concatenate((Ynoised[i - n + 1:i + 1], u[i - n + 1:i + 1])))
ydenoised = MY.as1DDistr().median()
Ydenoised[i] = ydenoised
#MY.as1DDistr().boxplot(i, width=0.2, useci=0.1)
plot(t, u, 'k-', label="U", linewidth=1.0)
condition on variable: U0 = 0.1 condition on variable: U1 = 0.1 condition on variable: U2 = 0.1 exchange free variable: Y0 with dependent variable X66421040 eliminate variable: Y0 exchange free variable: X66421040 with dependent variable Y1 eliminate variable: X66421040 exchange free variable: E0 with dependent variable O0 eliminate variable: E0 condition on variable: O0 = 0.208331218668 exchange free variable: Y1 with dependent variable X66421584 [... long output removed ...] eliminate variable: Y1 exchange free variable: X66421584 with dependent variable Y2 eliminate variable: X66421584 exchange free variable: E1 with dependent variable O1 eliminate variable: E1 condition on variable: O1 = -0.559344619112 exchange free variable: Y2 with dependent variable X66422032 eliminate variable: Y2 exchange free variable: X66422032 with dependent variable Y3 eliminate variable: X66422032 exchange free variable: E2 with dependent variable O2 eliminate variable: E2 condition on variable: O2 = -0.253443765901
... plot(t, Ynoised, 'k.--', label="O", linewidth=1.0)
plot(t, Yorg, 'k-.', label="Y original", linewidth=2.0)
plot(t, Ydenoised, 'k-', label="Y denoised", linewidth=2.0)
legend(loc='lower left')
... show()
... print "mse=", sqrt(mean((Yorg - Ynoised) ** 2)), sqrt(mean((Yorg - Ydenoised) ** 2))
mse= 0.113577897886 0.0387027290968
... print "mae=", mean(abs(Yorg - Ynoised)), mean(abs(Yorg - Ydenoised))
mae= 0.0915492801332 0.0270451354013